Learn how to make a Watermelon headband. I originally published this tutorial on the DecoArt website.
This fun accessory is perfect for hot summer days! Not only will it keep hair out of your little one’s face, it also makes a cute, colorful addition to any headband collection. The leather scraps are stiff enough to hold their shape while being soft enough to be comfortable for young scalps.
Watermelon Headband Supplies
- Green Leather Scraps
- DecoArt Patent Leather Paint: Black, White, and Red
- Semicircle Template
- Plastic Headband
- E-6000 Adhesive
Resize the semicircle template and print it so the object is about 2.5 inches wide.
Cut the semicircle template from the paper, and trace it on the green leather scraps. You will need 3 semicircles.
Paint a thin band of white on the leather. Let the first application dry, then add a second layer of white paint.
Fill in the rest of the semicircle with red paint. Also paint the plastic headband red.
Use a fine tipped brush to add black “seeds” to the red areas of the semicircle.
Use E-6000 adhesive to attach the watermelon slices to the headband. Start with the center of the headband, and glue one semicircle in place. Add the other two semicircles on either side of the center one, turned in the opposite direction.
Pretty sweet, don’t you think? Have fun crafting and creating fruit themed hair accesories!
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