2. Choose 5 people and link them in your post.
3. Go to their page and tell them.
4. Remember, no tag backs!
If you get the award here’s what you have to do:
1. Thank the person that gave you the award in a blog post and link back to their blog
2. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers you follow
3. Include 7 random things about yourself in your post
4. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog
OK, now that the official bla-bla-bla is over, let’s get on with the show. Here are 12 amazing, never heard before, scintillating random facts about me:
1. I was born in Pozzuoli, Italy, and have dual Italian and American citizenship. I am also trilingual: English, Italian, and Spanish.
2. I was an elementary school teacher (and named Bilingual Teacher of the Year for my area district one year!) After I got my master’s degree I became an Assistant Principal.
3. I presently have the hardest but best job I’ve ever held: CEO of Casa Hockley.
<3 you, Morena!
Hey Morena! Congrats on winning the Mod Podge Pinterest Contest. Very cool! I am a new follower. Love your blog/projects! ~Lanie J.
Aww thanks so much! I am loving the Halloween costume, too!
Hi Morena! Thank you so much for the award!! You picked some pretty amazing blogs and I’m honored to be among them. It was so fun reading your random facts. That’s probably my favorite part of these awards.
By chance in your travels have you been to South Korea? My little brother is living there and just announced he’s getting married in December. I think my mom is going to pay for airline tickets for my husband and I to go to the wedding! I’m over the moon excited. But, I’ve only been to Canada and Tijuana and didn’t even need a passport for either. You should really do a blog post on tips traveling abroad!
So is it kind of an insult to win a bilingual award when you speak three? Haha, I love these posts, they are so fun.
Thank you, Morena. 🙂
Thanks for the award! I’ll have to check out the other awardees:) By way- you and your husband are adorable! I can’t get my husband to dress up for Halloween with me. And I almost love my Silhouette more than my husband too! (almost)
Thank you so much!
Congrats on the awards – I’m looking forward to exploring your blog and thank you for swinging by mine. With that resume of skills and activities no wonder you got a “most versatile” award!
HA I love the Halloween costumes!
Thanks so much for the award! I feel so honored!
LOVE the Halloween! I bet you’re a ton of fun IRL!
OMGosh, we have a LOT in common! Except I am NOT trilingual, and I’d LOVE to learn how to swing dance!
Thank you so much Morena & Congratulations on getting yours! I loved reading your facts & hanging out on your site. You have some pretty awesome inspiration here girl. I am so glad I’ve gotten a chance to ‘meet’ you & be inspired by you. (I apologize in the delay for responding to this awesome award, I’ve been having net issues & FINALLY got them fixed today.) I look forward to whatever creative idea you’ve got coming up next! Take care.